Sunday, June 21, 2020

Featured Test Prep Student Rachel Reale

Rachel Reale is a person who likes to get straight to the point. When she was looking for a test prep program to help her through the standardized testing experience, Rachel knew just what she wanted. She wanted information that would help her determine which test was right for her—the ACT or the SAT. Rachel credits the A+ Proctored Practice Tests with helping her decide. â€Å"I felt more comfortable with the ACT,† she explains. â€Å"I liked the emphasis on science passages. I did better initially and felt confident that I could raise my score even further.† Her confidence was not misplaced. Rachel succeeded in raising her ACT score from 29 to 33! Rachel is a junior at Abington Senior High School. Her mother researched test preparation options and found out about A+ Test Prep and Tutoring. After taking the practice test, Rachel decided to invest her time in sessions to boost her math and science scores. â€Å"The math content was hardest for me. It was the section that gave me the most time management trouble as well. But I was also looking for test-taking strategies that would work across all the sections.† Rachel reports that she came away from tutoring with more than a higher test score. â€Å"I learned that when I set my mind to it, I can get a lot done. I can handle pressure. Things become a lot less intimidating when you know how to approach them.† She credits tutor Rob Gelb with encouraging her and showing her what to focus on. â€Å"He helped me avoid getting distracted by things that were not important,† she says. Rachel’s tutor is an experienced member of the A+ team. He has this to say about Rachel’s achievement: â€Å"A big part of Rachel's success came with her dedication during both the sessions and outside of them. You could tell she really wanted to succeed, and that helped her more than anything else.† Rachel’s ultimate goal is a career in Music Technology. She plans to stay local, so she is looking at nearby leaders in the field like Drexel University and The University of the Arts. What recommendation does Rachel have for students just beginning their testing process? â€Å"Stick with it,† she advises. â€Å"Make sure you understand each lesson before you move on to the next. Don’t give up.† At A+ Test Prep and Tutoring, our focus is always on you. Our practices are based on the latest developments in educational theory and research. We have an excellent team of tutors who can help you with standardized testing, executive functioning, or achievement in any other school subject. If you would like more information, our Client Service Directors Anne Stanley and Susan Ware are available to answer questions and provide solutions. You may reach either of them by calling A+ Test Prep and Tutoring at 215-886-9188.